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IDC New School Training AcademyIDC New School Training AcademyIDC New School Training Academy
(Mon - Saturday)
2820 Bentwood Way McKinney TX 75071
IDC New School Training AcademyIDC New School Training AcademyIDC New School Training Academy


The knowledge and ability to use computers and existing technologies or applications efficiently is now mandatory for all to remain relevant in this challenging digital age no matter your profession. You need to become computer literate at least for the following reasons:
More job opportunities: Since almost all workplaces use computers, employers are likely to favor people that are computer literate over those with no computer skills. Staying up to date: Although there are still plenty of people who read them, newspapers are quickly becoming relics of the past. People are now choosing to read the news online, and these sites can be updated instantly as stories develop.
Being Prepared for the Future: Computer technology is advancing faster than ever before, and it’s very easy to be left behind if you don’t take the time to become at least semi-literate when it comes to computers.
C o m p u t e r  l i t e r a c y  e n h a n c e s
professionalism: A person using a computer is likely to be more organized when compared with someone who does not use a computer. P r o g r a m s  l i k e  w o r d p r o c e s s o r s  a n d bookkeeping software help in keeping a person professional.

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